Life revolves around Burmes cats, Border Collie dogs and Ice Hockey

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Asia is driving me crazy, She keeps trying either steal Bali's children or look after them. As sweet as that sounds it is a real pain. Poor Bali is getting pushed out of the way all the time as there isn't enough space for all of them to be in there. I cannot convince Asia that she hasn't given birth yet and they are her children. I am guessing this means that she will be due to give birth really soon now.
As for the babies, they are doing fantastic. They come out of their bed ever now and then and waddle around. They are very cute now. Although Smartie is looking a bit like an alien at the moment lol. I am sure she will turn out ok as her mum looked a bit like a bug eyed alien when she was tiny.

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