Life revolves around Burmes cats, Border Collie dogs and Ice Hockey

Sunday, 9 May 2010

The green eyed monster

We had our second Flyball show today. We were running in Division 2 and we won against every team we raced! You can imagine how excited we were. Unfortuneately there was a but. Another team (who funnily enough, came 2nd) decided to contest the hight of a dog we run against 2 teams in the afternoon. Some people can be so malicious. Because the dogs owner had forgot her hight card, and the head judge had said he had no one to witness the measuring, they were threatening to disqualify us! Even though the same judge had said we could run at the hight she was measured at last week. Has no one heard of innocent until proven guilty?? They decided that they would disqualify our 2 afternoon races until we produce the dog's paperwork to the British Flyball Association.
As much as it felt so good to actually win against every team, I hope the guy from Hot shots flyball team is proud of himself. He stole mine and Fleas moment of glory as we were announced as 2nd and they 1st. But then, he who laughs last :0) The result will be overturned and his 1st place rosette won't mean a thing.

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