Life revolves around Burmes cats, Border Collie dogs and Ice Hockey

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Some people

Some people shouldn't be allowed to keep dogs without formal training. Flea can get quite nervous at times, he doesn't like dogs that get up in his face and keeps himself to himself when we are out walking. If he feels like he can't get away and a dog is bouncing up all over him eventually he will defend himself and go for them.
As I know this about him the 1st sign that he is getting scared and I call him to me. He is easy to read as he tries to lower his head and make himself look really small.
So we go on our walk and my dogs are chasing ball on a rope and minding their own business. I notice a chocolate lab that is not really listening to her older teenage owner. For one the have a harness on it so that gives me a clue that they don't know what they are doing with it (Dogs pull  more on harnesses!!!). It's off lead and totally wild. I call Flea to me even before we get near it as I knew he wouldn't want to be jumped on. Usually that's enough that an owner will see i have Flea by the collar and they call their dog away...but no. So I catch the owners eye and say to him, "my dog won't like her jumping on him". He just looks at me while Flea starts to grumble a warning for the dog to leave him alone.  So I say to the guy " he will bite her if she doesn't leave him alone". Meanwhile Flea is getting jumped on and is really growling. The guy is close enough to grab his dog, but no, he starts calling it. The dog is still ignoring him and I can feel flea tensing. So again I repeat myself and the guy gets snotty with me saying yeah alright in a sarcastic tone!!! Can you believe it. I'm trying to protect his dog from getting bitten (and obviously Flea from getting in trouble and scared) and he is copping a strop! Just as I finished my warning Flea does lash out and the dog is squealing. The guy still isn't making any effort to grab the damn dog. He is standing there calling it. Even as I am trying to walk away, still holding Fleas collar the dog is still following us and he still has made no move to catch it.
I can't believe people can be so incredibly dumb. So now Flea is going to be even more nervous when approached next time :0(  It really does wind me up that people behave like that. 
We had had a really nice walk up until then, they had been playing ball together and had met a few dogs that had been joining in their game :(

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